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 Troisième interview de Kirk Lenke.

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Troisième interview de Kirk Lenke. Empty
MessageSujet: Troisième interview de Kirk Lenke.   Troisième interview de Kirk Lenke. Icon_minitimeMar 12 Mai - 21:26

Voici la troisième interview de Kirk Lenke pour le site allemand Onlinewelten.de

Citation :
Onlinewelten.de: It has been pretty quiet about Black Prophecy in the last time. We assume you were hard working. Can you give us an overview of what happened in the last months?

Kirk Lenke: As a former 100% subsidiary of 10Tacle Studios we had to announce insolvency as well and for some time it really wasn't clear if and how Reakktor continues. Because of this we didn't wanted to raise expectations we might not be able to keep.

Despite the insolvency, because of which we had to master some internal challenges, we managed it to keep the company alive and today, with new and strong investors, we are looking positively into the future. Of course we weren't able to stick by the original development schedule, but anyhow the team brought the game far forward. The next big step will be the closed beta with selected testers who will assist us in testing and advancing the game.

Onlinewelten.de: Dates are always interesting for players. Especially when the beta starts. Are there concrete plans for the release or at least an approximate time span?

Kirk Lenke: At this time we are not able to tell a concrete time span, because we have to arrange this in a close cooperation with our future publisher. From our side we are ready to go, though.

Onlinewelten.de: You didn't say much about a payment model. Are there any new information? Which models are you discussing?

Kirk Lenke: We have evaluated lots of models. Our decision will comply with the wishes of our publisher and our players. Besides the classical payment methods we could imagine a 'free to play' method with a micro payment system for special ingame items. But the final say has the publisher.

Onlinewelten.de: Lets talk about business competition: in your FAQ you compare Black Prophecy with EVE. Black Prophecy will have the focus on action, but what's about Jumpgate Evolution? The game seems to have the same approach, but should be released in June. Do you see Jumpgate as an competitor?

Kirk Lenke: We definitely see Jumpgate as a competitor and are watching its development. As with Eve Online we clearly recognize a simulation approach at Jumpgate, at which we are not aiming at with Black Prophecy. Especially out First Person real-time combat system sets the focus on action and will tightly involve the player into the events of the game. If you don't have beads of sweat on your forehead after an intense fight, you haven't really fought. Especially fans of Wing Commander will have a lot of fun with Black Prophecy.

Onlinewelten.de: You describe Black Prophecy as an 'massively multiplayer online space shooter with role-play elements' … 'without having to develop your player character over months'. How can we imagine these role-play elements? Will there be no character development at all or will this only be as a part of equipping your ship?

Kirk Lenke: Even if Black Prophecy does not lay his focus on role-play features, we give you the classic role-play tools like chat, team, friend lists and of course the clan system. Together with the dense and atmospheric story we feel confident to offer you a large room for your role-play.

Another role-play typical system is the character system. Through actions such as eliminating enemies or solving missions you gain experience points. With increasing experience points you reach level and gain access to better versions of items like weapons and ship parts. Besides the upgrading of the ship, which is basically the player’s character, there is an optical flexible 3D avatar of the pilot, which will be shown in dialogs with NPCs and conversations with other players.

Onlinewelten.de: You point out the PvP battles and also the story of the Sci-Fi author Michael Marrak. How do you want to manage the gap between PvE and PvP?

Kirk Lenke: The PvE missions, especially the epic missions, and the PvP missions will be set within the context of the story. In your regularly PvE and PvP missions you will come across content you have seen before, because it was part of the precede story. Furthermore, the story will create conflicts between the factions which gives players a solid ground for their PvP.

Onlinewelten.de: Clans should get the option to build own stations which can be added with some functions. What are these functions? Are the stations attackable?

Kirk Lenke: A clan station will contain several functions: beginning with a dock where the member can change their ships, a shared depot with access right management, living quarters that define the member capacity of a clan and many more. The larger the living quarters are, the more members can join the clan. These functions can be increased by using better or bigger module versions. Some modules are only available to clans who reached a specific clan level.

If we make it possible to attack clan stations is still under discussion. It would be possible.

Onlinewelten.de: Besides the clan stations there are resource stations which can be conquered by clans. How will the economy work and which influence will the clans have on the game world? Can clans reach monopolies or are the modifications for all ships available over NPC trader?

Kirk Lenke: The resources have three purposes. First of all they are needed to modify items such as ship parts or weapons.

Resources are also a kind of tax for the factions. A part of the resources gained by clans have to be handed over to its faction. These resources will be used in big PvP faction battles and define how often the faction member can respawn during the fight. Furthermore clans have to invest resources to fight other clans. This also defines how often the clan members can respawn at their base within the combat area.

So, clans can have an influence in the game world whereas more as strengthening the own faction than building an economic monopoly.

Onlinewelten.de:The new official website has started. When can we look forward for new material such as screenshots, teaser or trailer?

Kirk Lenke: We publish new screenshots, concept arts and other content of Black Prophecy at irregular intervals. We won't tell exactly when we do so, because we want to surprise you again and again with new eye candy.

En résumé:
Après une période de trouble suite à la faillite de 10Tacle Studios, Reakktor s'est battu et à beaucoup travaillé pour garder le studio en activité. A l'heure actuelle ils sont en discussion avec plusieurs éditeurs, profilant l'avenir de manière positive. La prochaine grosse étape sera le commencement la beta fermée.

Les stations de clan auront plusieurs fonctions, au début elles disposeront d'un dock dans lequel les membres du clans pourront changer leurs vaisseaux, il y aura un entrepot commun avec des droits d'accès, des quartiers qui définiront la capacité en membres du clan et bien d'autres choses encore... Ces fonctions peuvent etre augmentées en utilisant des versions de modules améliorées ou plus grosses. Une discussion est en cours actuellement sur la possibilité d'attaquer les stations.

Les ressources capturables par les clans pourront etre utilisées sous 3 manières différentes. Premièrement les ressources seront nécessaire pour la modification d'objet tel que les partie de vaisseaux ou les armes. Les ressources seront aussi une sorte de taxe pour les factions, une partie des ressources récoltées par les clans iront directement aux factions respectives. Ces ressources seront alors utilisées dans les grandes batailles pvp inter-factions, définissant le nombre de respawn des membres des factions pendant le combat. Enfin les clans devront investirent leurs ressources pour combattre les autres clans, le nombre de respawn de chacun dépendra de ces dernières.

Les clans gagnent plus d'influence en investissant les ressources dans leur propre faction plutot que d'avoir un monopole économique.

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